Category: Blog

Brighter Communities wins prestigious national excellence award

‘Brighter Communities Worldwide’, who has worked in partnership with communities in Kenya for the past two decades, took the award for ‘Small Charity, Big Impact’ at the Charity Excellence Awards, organised by the Charities Institute of Ireland (CII) Announcing the award, the CII said it applauded Brighter Communities Worldwide which ‘embodies togetherness in all it […]

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June Newsletter

The month of June saw a lot of high high’s and the lowest of low’s. Have a read below on all things Brighter Communities Worldwide that have been happening across the world from Kenya to Wales and beyond …  Friday, 30th June 2023 – A very sad and tragic day for Londiani. A busy traffic […]

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What have we been up to during the month of May?

Welcome to highlights from activities during the month of May … programmes continued throughout the month with Community Health Volunteer training, Business Training and supporting groups with resources, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights workshops for students. BUT most of all MAY WAS A MONTH OF CELEBRATIONS!…. “Menstruation has always been with myths and taboos and […]

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Activities and events during April 2023

Work on the Heathy Schools Programme focused on trainings for the students. This programme involves the children directly as they form health clubs to review their school environment, identify risks and create an action plan to address them. Brighter Communities Worldwide staff member Bobby says – “There was a school training at Ainapkoi for 4 […]

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Activities and events during March 2023

Here is a flavour of activities and events during March 2023. Business Trainings – there were many during the month in various locations and with different groups aiming to set up their own income generating projects. The trainings provide skills, information, knowledge, resources and follow up support once the projects are up and running. These […]

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World water day

World Water Day

March 22nd is World Water Day and this year the focus is on accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. World Water Day 2023 asks people to “Be the change you want to see in the world”.   The communities we are working with put access to clean water as their number one need. […]

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Our latest newsletter

2023 got off to a very busy start throughout January and February and this newsletter is bringing you a flavour of what has been happening in a few of our programme areas. Business Trainings – these are held in the community to support people who have plans for projects that will generate an income. The […]

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Today is Giving Tuesday!

Today is the day that your donations mean so much more because the more we raise in 24 hours the more we earn in bonus funds. Today your donation will help address the inequalities brought on by climate change, conflict and COVID-19 which threaten the families we are working with. When you donate today you […]

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Get together

Are you looking for opportunities to get together with friends and families? Host a 20 year celebration and support families in Kenya at the same time – right now they are still dealing with the impact of the pandemic with high case numbers, no vaccines, rising poverty levels – they need your support more than […]

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20-year challenge #WalkOurJourney

For 20 years we have worked tirelessly with families addressing many inequalities. Our goal is to protect all daughters from FGM and teenage pregnancy so they can finish school giving them better options in life; all sons to have the tools and direction they need to grow into responsible men; all mothers to be safe […]

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Menstrual health passport

Menstrual health: the essential universal passport

Have you ever thought about something that could be a universal passport? A passport to education; a passport to employment; a passport to positive mental health, to self-esteem? For me this is the sanitary pad! Here in Kenya many girls and women do not have access to sanitary pads – they stay home from school […]

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Green sauce and sprinkles

Listening to the radio last week I was both amazed and delighted that finally conversations were taking place on subjects that before now were taboo. Who would believe that Joe Duffy would be taking about menopause! Of all subjects on National radio in broad daylight and not just for a half hour segment for the […]

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